A small town with a big history

Every year in April the border town of Melrose becomes the focus of international attention.

The occasion is the Melrose Sevens, a rugby event devised and first played in the town in 1877. Cue TV cameras, about 16,000 visitors (that's six times the resident population) and rugby union's red carpet for some of the sport's top players.

The Sevens is one of the biggest events held in the Borders and attracts followers from all over the world.   But this small town has plenty of other claims to fame and is well used to welcoming visitors from all over the world.

Its enduring appeal can be measured by the number of excellent hotels, guest houses and bed and breakfast establishments it supports. Close by is one of the biggest Roman presences in Scotland, the supply camp of Trimontium, and wherever you go in Melrose the Abbey is never far away.

The abbey was founded in 1136 by the Cistercian monks from Rievaulx in Yorkshire. They were know as white monks because of the unbleached wool of their habits. St Cuthbert was part of the abbey community before he moved on to the island of Lindisfarne

off the Northumberland coast and eternal glory at Durham as one of the north's best loved saints.

Melrose is the starting point of the popular 64-mile St Cuthbert's Walk which criss-crosses the borders on its way to Holy Island.

The abbey suffered at the hands of Richard II during an invasion in 1385 and was left in ruins by the English in what history has recorded as the 'rough wooing', an attempt by Henry VIII to force the betrothal of the infant  Mary Queen of Scots to his son Edward.

It is also the resting place of Robert the Bruce's heart after it had been taken for use as a talisman by Scots fighting to remove the Moors from Spain.

The mason's who helped build the abbey have been linked to the freemasons' Lodge of Melrose - St John No 1. It houses a plaque bearing the mason's coat-of-arms with the date 1156 and proven antiquity with a minute book dating back to 1674. Melrose Lodge, standing in the High Street, was the last independent lodge to join the Grand Lodge of Scotland in 1891.

A visit to Melrose will not disappoint.

Lauder | Melrose Sevens 2014

Kelso Border Union Show
Grey Mare's Tail
Smailholm Tower
Scott's View
Melrose Abbey
The River Tweed

Generated in 1.072353 seconds by CMS Made Simple using 51 SQL queries and 15599208 bytes of memory (peak memory usage was 25219632)

Debug: (2.4000000000024E-5) - (usage: 1153744) - (peak: 1156800)
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loading adodb
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loading page functions
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loading content functions
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loading translation functions
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loading php4 entity decode functions
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done loading files
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Initialize Database
Debug: (0.247683) - (usage: 1531672) - (peak: 1543728)
(mysql): SET 
Error (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Debug: (0.247876) - (usage: 1530968) - (peak: 1586032)
Done Initializing Database
Debug: (0.247964) - (usage: 1531224) - (peak: 1586216)
Initialize Smarty
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Done Initialiing Smarty
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Debug: (0.262285) - (usage: 2552488) - (peak: 2676704)
loading module Accommodation
Debug: (0.26317) - (usage: 2765704) - (peak: 2849800)
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loading module Calendar
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(mysql): SELECT content_id FROM cms_content WHERE default_content = 1 LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.272336) - (usage: 3435728) - (peak: 3480136)
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loading module Captcha
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loading module CGExtensions
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loading module CMSPrinting
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loading module FormBuilder
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loading module CMSMailer
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loading module Forum
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loading module FrontEndUsers
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loading module Gallery
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loading module GBFilePicker
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loading module MenuManager
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loading module Printing
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loading module TinyMCE
Debug: (0.305232) - (usage: 6322984) - (peak: 6398072)
loading module TreeManager
Debug display of 'End of Loading Modules':(0.30592) - (usage: 6446448) - (peak: 6522376)
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(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id = 61 AND active = 1 LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.321716) - (usage: 6595120) - (peak: 6676536)
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(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '61'
Debug: (0.324809) - (usage: 6687632) - (peak: 6780432)
process template top
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(mysql): SELECT eh.tag_name, eh.module_name, e.originator, e.event_name, eh.handler_order, eh.handler_id, eh.removable FROM cms_event_handlers eh
        INNER JOIN cms_events e ON e.event_id = eh.event_id
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(mysql): SELECT template_id, template_name, template_content, stylesheet, encoding, active, default_template, modified_date 
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Debug: (0.358549) - (usage: 8575760) - (peak: 8749952)
process template body
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Debug display of 'Start Load Smarty Plugin search/function':(0.503476) - (usage: 8752328) - (peak: 8826456)
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Loading /home/site1300/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_module_smarty_plugin_manager.php = 10616 bytes for an approximate total of 1361784
Debug: (0.504906) - (usage: 8765080) - (peak: 8870120)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_smarty_plugins ORDER BY module
Debug: (0.505997) - (usage: 8885784) - (peak: 8940576)
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Debug display of 'starting tree':(0.737512) - (usage: 9436384) - (peak: 9821592)
Debug: (0.738408) - (usage: 9438168) - (peak: 9821592)
(mysql): SELECT modified_date FROM cms_content ORDER BY modified_date DESC LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.738605) - (usage: 9437760) - (peak: 9821592)
Content tree file needs loading
Debug: (0.738916) - (usage: 9523176) - (peak: 9821592)
Loading /home/site1300/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_tree.php = 9656 bytes for an approximate total of 1472704
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Debug: (0.742112) - (usage: 9711736) - (peak: 9880744)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'Search' and template_name = 'displaysearch' LIMIT  1
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Debug: (0.753045) - (usage: 9693840) - (peak: 9926344)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (15,51,74,139,133,79,88,65,94,98,99,191,87,203,157,193,192,194,200) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
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Debug display of 'Start of Menu Manager Display':(0.756378) - (usage: 10129184) - (peak: 10246336)
Debug: (0.757586) - (usage: 10136000) - (peak: 10287320)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id NOT IN (61,15,51,74,133,79,88,65,99,191,193,192,194,200)
Debug: (0.771706) - (usage: 10988488) - (peak: 11037208)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id IN (52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,62,63,66,67,70,72,75,76,77,78,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,109,110,112,113,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,129,130,131,132,134,135,136,137,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,157,158,159,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,172,173,174,175,176,177,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,195,196,197,198,199,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225) ORDER BY content_id
Debug: (0.839298) - (usage: 21761384) - (peak: 21859208)
Loading /home/site1300/public_html/lib/classes/contenttypes/PageLink.inc.php = 57736 bytes for an approximate total of 1614624
Debug: (0.876105) - (usage: 15031376) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '15'
Debug: (0.877467) - (usage: 15053120) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '51'
Debug: (0.888802) - (usage: 15210584) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '74'
Debug: (0.891863) - (usage: 15260120) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '133'
Debug: (0.900617) - (usage: 15376928) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '79'
Debug: (0.90484) - (usage: 15433984) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '88'
Debug: (0.907391) - (usage: 15466128) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '65'
Debug: (0.909918) - (usage: 15505680) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '99'
Debug: (0.913611) - (usage: 15559272) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '191'
Debug: (0.914625) - (usage: 15568968) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '193'
Debug: (0.915689) - (usage: 15588464) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '192'
Debug: (0.916741) - (usage: 15604888) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '200'
Debug display of 'Fetch module_db_tpl:MenuManager;tpl-buddy-009 // navigation-tpl-009 start':(0.917345) - (usage: 15619088) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'CMSModuleDbTemplateResource startMenuManager;tpl-buddy-009 // navigation-tpl-009':(0.917545) - (usage: 15626912) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug: (0.917964) - (usage: 15631296) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'MenuManager' and template_name = 'tpl-buddy-009 // navigation-tpl-009' LIMIT  1
Debug display of 'CMSModuleDbTemplateResource endMenuManager;tpl-buddy-009 // navigation-tpl-009':(0.918118) - (usage: 15634072) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch module_db_tpl:MenuManager;tpl-buddy-009 // navigation-tpl-009 end':(0.980808) - (usage: 15777344) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'End of Menu Manager Display':(0.980899) - (usage: 15775896) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:sidebar start':(0.981025) - (usage: 15715936) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:sidebar end':(0.982543) - (usage: 15726856) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:extra-image start':(0.982704) - (usage: 15726224) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:extra-image end':(0.983862) - (usage: 15742848) - (peak: 25219632)
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Debug display of 'Fetch content:Textblock-2 end':(0.985555) - (usage: 15762200) - (peak: 25219632)
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Debug display of 'Fetch content:banner_vertical end':(0.989555) - (usage: 15777792) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch globalcontent:banner-vertical start':(0.989624) - (usage: 15777856) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug: (0.989764) - (usage: 15785168) - (peak: 25219632)
start global_content_get_template
Debug: (0.990065) - (usage: 15816448) - (peak: 25219632)
Loading /home/site1300/public_html/lib/classes/class.globalcontentoperations.inc.php = 30160 bytes for an approximate total of 1644784
Debug: (0.990819) - (usage: 15819224) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT htmlblob_id, htmlblob_name, html, owner, use_wysiwyg, description, modified_date FROM cms_htmlblobs WHERE htmlblob_name = 'banner-vertical' LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.991024) - (usage: 15819368) - (peak: 25219632)
end global_content_get_template
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Debug display of 'Fetch content:first_block_content start':(0.993745) - (usage: 15847704) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:first_block_content end':(0.995291) - (usage: 15864848) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:first_block_link_text start':(0.995381) - (usage: 15865112) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:first_block_link_text end':(0.996515) - (usage: 15881816) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:first_block_link start':(0.996605) - (usage: 15881904) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:first_block_link end':(0.997771) - (usage: 15898592) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_title start':(0.997902) - (usage: 15898688) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_title end':(0.999194) - (usage: 15915424) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_content start':(0.999317) - (usage: 15915912) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_content end':(1.000019) - (usage: 15932736) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_link_text start':(1.000152) - (usage: 15933200) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_link_text end':(1.001379) - (usage: 15950168) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_link start':(1.00147) - (usage: 15950232) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_link end':(1.002662) - (usage: 15966952) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_title start':(1.002752) - (usage: 15967040) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_title end':(1.003996) - (usage: 15983832) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_content start':(1.004188) - (usage: 15984320) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_content end':(1.005401) - (usage: 16002216) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_link_text start':(1.005491) - (usage: 16002672) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_link_text end':(1.006689) - (usage: 16019504) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_link start':(1.006778) - (usage: 16019592) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_link end':(1.00802) - (usage: 16036312) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:special_box_title start':(1.008183) - (usage: 16036400) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:special_box_title end':(1.009405) - (usage: 16053176) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:special_box_content start':(1.009497) - (usage: 16053416) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:special_box_content end':(1.010267) - (usage: 16070248) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug: (1.011576) - (usage: 16134672) - (peak: 25219632)
Loading /home/site1300/public_html/modules/Gallery/lib/class.Gallery_utils.php = 14032 bytes for an approximate total of 1658816
Debug: (1.012512) - (usage: 16137424) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT g.*, gp.hideparentlink, gp.editors, gt.templateid, gt.template, gt.thumbwidth, gt.thumbheight, gt.resizemethod, gt.maxnumber, gt.sortitems
        FROM cms_module_gallery g
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_props gp
        ON g.fileid=gp.fileid
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_templateprops gt
        ON gp.templateid=gt.templateid
        WHERE g.filename='footer/' AND g.filepath=''
Debug: (1.012887) - (usage: 16140040) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT *
        FROM cms_module_gallery_templateprops
        WHERE template='buddyGalleryFooter' OR templateid='buddyGalleryFooter'
Debug: (1.014324) - (usage: 16199008) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '2'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 1 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (1.015308) - (usage: 16211656) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT
                g1.*, g2.filepath AS thumbpath, g2.filename AS thumbname
                cms_module_gallery g1
              LEFT JOIN
                cms_module_gallery g2
                g1.defaultfile = g2.fileid
Debug: (1.015974) - (usage: 16248912) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '29'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (1.016621) - (usage: 16252496) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '5'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (1.017238) - (usage: 16256200) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '34'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (1.017822) - (usage: 16259760) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '3'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (1.018549) - (usage: 16263368) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '22'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (1.019225) - (usage: 16267056) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '33'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (1.019789) - (usage: 16270616) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '26'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (1.020472) - (usage: 16274224) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '24'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (1.0211) - (usage: 16277824) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '4'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (1.021741) - (usage: 16281560) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '32'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (1.02245) - (usage: 16285144) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '23'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (1.023112) - (usage: 16288776) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '30'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (1.02373) - (usage: 16292464) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '35'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug display of 'Fetch module_db_tpl:Gallery;buddyGalleryFooter start':(1.024875) - (usage: 16313984) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'CMSModuleDbTemplateResource startGallery;buddyGalleryFooter':(1.025093) - (usage: 16321456) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug: (1.025556) - (usage: 16325360) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'Gallery' and template_name = 'buddyGalleryFooter' LIMIT  1
Debug display of 'CMSModuleDbTemplateResource endGallery;buddyGalleryFooter':(1.025706) - (usage: 16340848) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch module_db_tpl:Gallery;buddyGalleryFooter end':(1.050049) - (usage: 16377280) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug: (1.050536) - (usage: 16375984) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'Gallery' and template_name = 'buddyGalleryFooter'
Debug display of 'Fetch globalcontent:footer3 start':(1.050794) - (usage: 16275064) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug: (1.051027) - (usage: 16282240) - (peak: 25219632)
start global_content_get_template
Debug: (1.051453) - (usage: 16285896) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT htmlblob_id, htmlblob_name, html, owner, use_wysiwyg, description, modified_date FROM cms_htmlblobs WHERE htmlblob_name = 'footer3' LIMIT  1
Debug: (1.051603) - (usage: 16284992) - (peak: 25219632)
end global_content_get_template
Debug display of 'Fetch globalcontent:footer3 end':(1.053188) - (usage: 16292656) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_body:40 end':(1.053274) - (usage: 16274696) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug: (1.053317) - (usage: 16273832) - (peak: 25219632)
process template head
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_head:40 start':(1.053368) - (usage: 16274496) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'Start Load Smarty Plugin cms_stylesheet/function':(1.059047) - (usage: 16335960) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug display of 'End Load Smarty Plugin cms_stylesheet/function':(1.05913) - (usage: 16336664) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug: (1.06745) - (usage: 16378632) - (peak: 25219632)
(mysql): SELECT DISTINCT A.css_id,A.css_name,A.css_text,A.modified_date,A.media_type,A.media_query,B.assoc_order
                     FROM cms_css A 
                    LEFT JOIN cms_css_assoc B ON A.css_id = B.assoc_css_id WHERE B.assoc_type = 'template' AND B.assoc_to_id = '40' ORDER BY B.assoc_order
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_head:40 end':(1.071534) - (usage: 16333664) - (peak: 25219632)
Debug: (1.071628) - (usage: 16363016) - (peak: 25219632)
calling module TinyMCE from event ContentPostRender
Debug: (1.071754) - (usage: 16364632) - (peak: 25219632)
calling module CGExtensions from event ContentPostRender
Debug: (1.07208) - (usage: 16374808) - (peak: 25219632)
Loading /home/site1300/public_html/modules/CGExtensions/lib/class.cge_headers.php = 3488 bytes for an approximate total of 1662304
Debug: (1.072197) - (usage: 16368776) - (peak: 25219632)
calling module Gallery from event ContentPostRender